Creature Calls...

The Creatures are calling...

A dream awoke me this morning and could hardly believe myself at first and then, somewhere between sleep and awakening I knew it was a call.

I dreamt I was playing with the majestic pink dolphin. The one who so sensitively understands my every need and nuzzles herself into my heart, offering to let me ride her through the waves of the amazon river. 

Found on Google sourced to 

Found on Google sourced to 

I could hear her vibrational messages. Her tone was rich and astute and though underneath deep water, clear as crystal to the energetic ears. She looked me straight in the eyes so that we could both see each other.
So we could share our souls.

She is pure love.
She is pure magic.
What a blessing and a gift. 

The wisdom of our creatures are so alive, and so ready to share their love with us as long as we are open and welcoming enough to listen and go forth with them, into and towards the light. They will speak, they will howl, they will stare, they will play. 

When was the last time you stared another living being directly in the eyes and had a conversation with their soul?




Women Who Rise

{women who rise}


let it be that our wilderness becomes less of a 'thing' and more of a being

that we start to love ourselves so fiercely, the ‘wild’ appears only to evaporate

into ultimate divinity


we are wild and we are one

we are wilding 

but our wildness never left us, never gone


all we need to do is rise


in our essence, in our truth

in how we love ourselves

and how we share our love of self with the world


rising from our pitfalls

from the things that keep us stagnant and stuck

resting in our feminine energy, balancing the masculine urgency


this 'wilding' we all speak of 

how do we want it to reveal itself?


on the daily




in integrity, with authenticity


we need not to ‘re-wild’ ourselves

but only to celebrate, commemorate where we’ve been

and who we are now

where we’re going

and what’s unfolding for the holding


what are we creating now?


women of the wild, 

how do we want to rise?

— vanessa faria

RELEASE & RESTORE with Vanessa Faria & Darren Austin Hall


with Vanessa Faria & Darren Austin Hall 

Our signature class of active myo-fascial RELEASE and trigger point therapy with an incredible addition of crystal bowl sound healing to RESTORE your inner radiance. 

Join Vanessa & Darren as they guide and lead a unique healing journey using tools of movement, active&passive release, shaking&rolling, sound healing and meditation. In this special evening, Vanessa will guide a restful restorative class and offer hands-on healing through the means of reiki and cranial sacral therapy, while Darren fills the magical church in his blissful sound bath and chakra toning to harmonize our centres. 

We’ll explore and venture into a land of swimmingly deep para-sympathetics and vibrational realignment to boost your summer body, mind and spirits! #mysticmisfits 


When: Wednesday August 19th from 7:45pm - 9:45pm


Investment: EARLY BIRDS before August 5th - $35 

GENERAL after August 5th - $45

Space is LIMITED

Please pre-register to secure your space on our Eventbrite >>>

or email:

Both spiritual healers and guides, Darren & Vanessa are passionate about sharing their love for deep, slow and juicy moving practices such as yoga, pilates and dance in a playful way. They love to find the integrative and collaborative bridges between physical and spiritual praxis that allow us to feel our best selves and bring that feeling out into the world. 


Let them share an evening with you! This is an event meant to offer boundless inspiration and rejuvenation to your entire being - from ethers to toes!

harassing the heart

woe are the hearts that are heavy

filled with summer heat

and a lust for sadness 

that can taste bitter-sweet


venus went retrograde and 

now the tides throw me 

back into oceans of exes 

and the loveliest messes


my acupuncturist looks at my tongue 

it’s red 

and swollen 

and then says 

‘your gallbladder is harassing your heart’


and i think

‘your gallbladder is harassing your heart’


even my own internal body and blood

traps and congests 


it’s emotions 

rising up

through deep puddles of heartache


joy, worry, grief, fear, and anger

all the way by veins and into 

that little cave of a chest


where nobody wins, and nobody rests

where even within relationship

we all reach for abandon 


instead of staying and dedicating 

we run 

we escape into hotter dungeons

where our arteries there, burn 

and our gallbladders harass our dear hearts


our gallbladders harass our dear hearts


for losing the chance to heal with another

as we well know 

we’ve outgrown the work of 'alone'

yet always, 

we’re hoping for that ‘other lover’

to take some kind of cover


and as fear accompanies 

the shifts so desired 

it takes more than excitement 

when two conspire


it takes cooling 

and staying

aloe water, mint tea and nurturing 

soft prayers - through discussion

to relieve all the slow-slumbering fire


but even as I lie there with tiny needles in my chest

as if to console the rest of me i express

‘my gallbladder is harassing my heart’


and again, i repeat and digress


‘my gallbladder is harassing my heart’


Let me find...I am your Mama.

Today I lead my heart as it wants to sway and cry and attach to dreams I can't fulfill.

Experiences that are out of reach on my own. 

May I find the other soul that will make it so. 


And yet, in ten thousand ways I am feeling like I've lost you. 

My child, I have the feeling you want to arrive. And I'm wandering in this world it seems, as though you were taken away. As though you were once mine as then all of a sudden gone. I don't know where you disappeared to..

Someone, something, somehow you were gone. 

My child, I wander in this world searching for you. All I can think is how lost I am without you. My child, my children; never leave.

Mama is here.

Mama is here, right here.

Never leave, never lose me. I am always right here.

Feel my heart how it beats full of you. Of your blood and your breath and your soul and the sparkles that light me up inside are the pieces that will make up you.

Let me find the other half of you. Let us know each other by love, let us know by the sparkles that fly out of us when we're together so we'll recognize our devotion to you. Let us find each other. All over again but different — and new. In this special time and in this special place. Let us find you.

Today my child, my darlings, my children — all of you — my heart beats and body grows and carries but a thousand threaded moments to reach you. A thousand and a million kisses, for your precious face.

I am ready. Countless hugs as strong and as loving will assure you of the wholeness that is your mama. I am your mama.

Yes, I hear you sweet child. I chose you too. Just as you have chosen me.

Everything I that I can, I will do.

I will prepare for you. In the coming weeks.

I feel you with me. 

Yes, I hear you. 

I hear you. 

Thank you for visiting, Thank you for visiting.

Out of reach on my own. Let me find the other half of you. Let us know you by love.

Let us find you.